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Figure 2 | BMC Structural Biology

Figure 2

From: Protein homologous cores and loops: important clues to evolutionary relationships between structurally similar proteins

Figure 2

Performance on families of differing degrees of difficulty. The barplot shows the sensitivity at 5% error rate for each bin of ranking difficulty. Ranking difficulty is estimated as an average percent identity between the query structure and non-redundant set of true positive structures (homologous VAST neighbors) for each CDD family. Each bin of percent identity contains at least five CDD families within a given range of ranking difficulty and sensitivity is averaged over the sensitivities of CDD families within a given bin. CDD families were chosen here as those with at least 20 non-redundant VAST neighbors. There are 13 CDD families in the 0–10% bin; 52 in the 10–20% bin; 21 in the 20–30% bin; and 11 in the 30–100% bin (97 CDD families altogether).

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